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About Russell J. Bennett-Cumming

Truth and love should be evident in art. I strive to demonstrate through color and line that I am linked inextricably to those concepts; even though I can take liberties in their manifestation as we all do with our perceptions. When I was a  language teacher I learned that no one person has a corner on creativity. i have seen and experienced so many aspects of life and I see beauty and art in all facets. I was born in New York, grew up in L.A., circled the country searching, lived many years in the northwest and now find myself in the southwest in New Mexico. Currently my wife and I are building a lovely adobe home and I have set up my studio in the barn.

I have always been fascinated with imagery and color, patterns and symbolism. I never considered creating my own art until i was in my mid twenties. I read. I practiced. I tried all kinds of media, from oils to sumi-e. I watched other artists. I studied other artists' work from all time periods. I got formal training in college. I took classes. I realized that to produce art meant that you just had to do it; in your own way; in your own vision. The journey of making a painting ranges from uncertainty to elation to frustration.

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